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Our Supporters

The Marine Metre² project has been made possible thanks to our incredible community of people, schools and organisations across Aotearoa supporting our mission for New Zealand to have the best understood coastline in the world.

New Zealand Marine Studies Centre Logo

The University of Otago’s New Zealand Marine Studies Centre developed Marine Metre Squared in 2013. The centre provides expert knowledge and education about New Zealand’s marine environment. The educational programmes involve students in the excitement of scientific discovery, develop knowledge and skills and encourage individuals to take responsibility and action for the future of our ocean resource.

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Live Ocean Foundation Logo

Live Ocean Foundation partners with exceptional New Zealand scientists, innovators and communicators to scale up action for a healthy ocean. Live Ocean has provided vital support during the rebuild and digital upgrade of Marine Metre2.

Coastal People Southern Skies Logo

Coastal People: Southern Skies (CPSS), Centre for Research Excellence, connects communities across Aotearoa New Zealand and the South Pacific with world-leading, cross-disciplinary research to support transformative change to rebuild our fragile coastal ecosystems. Coastal people face the consequences of changing climate, but also hold the hope, knowledge, and potential to build resilience for their places and ways of life in a changing climate. Central to CPSS is developing leaders of tomorrow, so alongside the research programmme is an active outreach programme to engage rangatahi and provide tools and opportunities to increase their understanding of their local environment. Marine Metre² is one of the projects they are supporting through the publication of the seashore guides.

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Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust Logo

The Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust, established by Joyce Lady Fisher in March 1975, is committed to making New Zealand a better place by providing young New Zealanders with opportunities that enhance their leadership skills and values, creating community role models and future leaders. As part of this mandate, the Trust actively supports investment in projects to understand the environment, enhancing the educational experience of young New Zealanders. Thanks to their pivotal support, Marine Metre2 has undergone a collaborative digital transformation project to make cutting-edge technology readily accessible to school children and community groups. This technology helps engage and empower young New Zealanders through innovation, science and mātauranga Māori, to understand the impacts of our changing ocean.

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