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Seaweed in the classroom feature image
Growing Seaweed In The Classroom

They have been very busy participating in the Curious Minds Project ‘Love Rimurimu’ run by Mountains to Sea Wellington with support from NIWA, Victoria University, Department of Conservation and the Wellington Underwater Club. As part of this project, students have been learning all about seaweed and how it can be a tool for mitigating climate change. As part of this project, they have studied the seaweed life cycle to try to grow seaweed in the classroom!


Students have also been learning about seaweeds outside of the classroom by partaking in Mm2 surveys and testing their identification skills and newly gained seaweed knowledge in the field. Back in the classroom, students have worked in groups to extend their learning by completing various activities. Below are some fantastic pieces of art and writing that demonstrate the students’ learning journeys and could be used as examples of how to extend Marine Metre2 in your own classroom. Fantastic work Koraunui School!