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Data Visualisation

You can analyse and investigate the survey data using these interactive data visualisation tools.

Interested in seeing where a species is most abundant? Use this tool to see how many times a species has been found on your local beach, harbour or region. This can be handy for tracking how a population is changing over time and compare it against other regions or other species in the area.

Survey Type
Choose a Species OR leave blank to map data for All Species
Time Period
Time Step
Location & Search Radius – Adjust location marker on map
  • Marker 1
You can only search multiple locations
with ONE or ALL species selected

Showing survey results for SALLY CARSON

Edit your Contributor & Group selection

Survey Type
Choose a Species OR leave blank to map data for All Species
Time Period
Time Step
Shore Level
  • You can only search multiple locations
    with ONE or ALL species selected
Abundance is measured by two metrics depending on the classification of the species. For plants & encrusting animals, this is measure by percentage (%) of the area covered per m². For animal species, abundance is measured by quantity per m².
Change in Abundance over time
Abundance is the average number of animals during each
period of time
Change in Coverage over time
Coverage (%) is the average value of plants & encrusting animals during each
period of time
Change in Diversity over time
Diversity is the Shannon-Wiener Index for each location selected
Average Coverage (%)
  • Algae, Blue-Green
  • Anemone, Burrowing